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Príncipe Natural Park

The encounter between Man and Nature

The Natural Park

Príncipe Natural Park is part of the mix forests ecoregion of São Tomé, Príncipe and Annobón. The Park is one of the wildest regions in West Africa with an undisturbed primary rain forest and incredible peaks. The sea shore is a hotspot for sea life with coral reefs, tropical fishes and four species of sea turtles that nest in the sandy beaches. The Island wildlife is characterized by a significant number of endemic species such as the Principe weaver

Unesco Biosphere Reserve

In May 3rd 2013 the entire Principes Island was classificated as a Unesco Biosphere Reserve. This recognition is the result of biodiversity protection program that started a few years ago which aims to protect the primary rain forest, priority conservation species

and the sea shores.

Hiking trails

Explore the best five hiking trails in Principe Natural Park. You can find real adventure in the rain forest  from unforgettable day trips to challenging backpacking escapes. The signature hike of Principe Natural Parks threads its way along the interior of the rain forest and ancient roças ruines, passing streams, and intimate looks at those iconic neadle summits. Experienced hiking guides can be hired in the Parks Headquaters.

Hiking trails - Bird watching - Adventure

A Biodiversity hotspot. A unique place on Earth

Parks Map

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